upon my tongue
in your moments
of most soft relenting collapse
I have seen your hands
in the troubled ecstasy
of my rolling body
jump and start at the sound of fluttering
In my distorted heart and eye
I have written you
into this place my mind has suffered
and in mingling thought I have seen you fade
We two know only the text
the moment when idea transforms the page
and we can only write love like dying rain drops
in soft relenting mud
We two are bodies in space
beyond touch and taste
we have fooled ourselves to the brink of evolution
coming for one another through the grass
You write love and lust best
use my fingers as a revolution
outside of skin to an understanding of the brink
the loss of what I had
I have twisting sheets
a bed I lie into escape the need
the feebleness of my heart
I stand in recollection and devour insipid want
I came here
I stayed
I never left
but outside they are running
the grass cutting before them
you have seen her smile
and followed
ran through tall weeds
following her glowing outline
little bird twist
and see the flutter
I am here
thin lipped and corpse laden
this ripping shore
never letting me go
a stone to keep the place
where I once was young
unraveled and dangerous
pretty girl
naked only for myself now
I have quit the moment
dedicated myself to older gods
who hate beyond time
and seen the sky open beyond black clouds
I have distorted my heart and eye
I was willing to give up the trees
to live in your name
but you slipped out the door when my back was turned
I have kisses like signatures
I have known you too well to love you
I have seen that black sky split open
and pluck your eyes to heaven
I have seen through to your internal script
I know thoughts as I know skin
and your skin I have known well
in the light of the only dieing night we need
I have seen you and I know
I know beyond the reach of temptation and skill
I know beyond the distortion of eyes
I know beyond my own carnivorous heart
I know
the flutter of little birds in grass

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