'the world;
she is ending.
See there,
fire in the trees, in the trees;
God's tongue.
Christ off the cross and looking to hammer some nails.'
bright orange flames licked the sky
off bough and branch
black smoke choked and chimed
and whirled into the horizon
like fingers reaching for the blotted out sun.
Son of God.
God's fingers.
Son of God, hair all fire.
A crown of burning thorns.
and the preachers sang
father are they coming for us?
do I hear angel's horns
or the sirens of ancient fire trucks?
Maybe salvation in the water
drowning in the river,
Baptize me in the name of nails,
Fire jump!
Fire jump the fire break,
Drop your gear and run, boy
drop your gear and run.
and the preachers cringe
they are burning knaves on the wooded edge
they are burning
and we are running
out running ash
falling from grace
falling from the fence line
and grace called our name
Look now,
Fire in my hands
in my eyes
all fire
Christ, but did it sting
tears streaming down my face
evaporating in the heated air
sand to glass and my feet bled
howling behind me
all flame with my name on its lips
Fiery lips with my name
my name
my name
standing in the pond
I saw them running
hair on fire
God's wrath tasting their backs
nail in my hands
nails in my palms
soot painted on my eyelids
and the flames said
'I am Fire
and you are Wood.
I am the tongue of God.'
the sound deafened and flew over us
the world now orange
underwater I saw it all
and know the name
inscribed on the sky
until the end of days
the black tracts of land
my home
my home now
say my name
and burn.

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