sweetness sticking to my lips
gently dripping down my chin
rivulets flowing along my neck
collecting in the curve of my bosom
I have tasted you and known sugar
our lips meeting like the petals of a closing flower
your mouth dipping to my breast
your hands sliding down my hips
we have lapped at each other in a moment of quivering weakness
we have shared that weakness like a drug
breathing heavily in a near breathless moment
skin taking on a glowing sheen in the dancing candle light
silken hair draped over the exotic satins of the bed
your fingertips enchanted with music
it is here that I was transported to another place
another time where my heart was light and my soul unfettered
when my Eros stood unchallenged by rough voices
and I could see clearly through that sheer top you wore
to your soft breasts beneath
I could see your heart beating through your chest
your pulse racing up your throat
we stood in that throbbing mass
twisting to the beat of a demigod in plastic
sliding bodies moving without measure or restriction
and loved each other as only disasters could
now as you lay panting in my arms
I drift between coffee-coloured worlds of movement and stillness
our limbs tangled like ripe vines
our breathe sweet with honey
I capture this moment in the slow sap of my mind
and never let you go

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