Saturday, May 21, 2016

Wicked City

I fell in love with a ghost 
he tasted like air 
Smelled of spiders
And ancient attics
Kissed like an apparition 
But rarely got my name right

no one ever accused me of being beautiful 
no one ever accused me of being right 
But they did find out
That I was the reason
For all these bad times

it took a crime to make me smile 
it took a murder to get me 
right down to the bottom of my heart
It took a genocide
To make me scream with joy

I loved a ghost 
and made sure he had a home in Hell
 I'm the waste of a perfectly good alleyway 
I wanted him to haunt my skull
but my fingers wanted something else 

they wanted thick ropes of blood down my chin 
and shredded skin in my valleys 

I wanted Cannibal law
And to eat my enemies and lovers

I am catalyst 
at home in this wicked city 
with the whores and the liars and the Grim Reapers 
The killers and the torturers and the executioners 

I cast the ghosts out
As I cast love out
I am the Wicked they named this place after
They call me the Beast
And tremble at me breath

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