and see if it can burn in the rain
maybe a thousand tin sailors can swim
but I doubt it
with iron limbs
I am sure to sink to the bottom
where I can search for sharks
freezing in the deep
as the waves slam into my iron chest
and the ringing carries across the water
there is armor in my belly
and planks where my eyes should have been
I am going to build a raft
to drift further from shore
and see if I can set fire to it as well
with all these burning ships around me
the sea is illuminate
and the seals are dashing
to eat the hearts of drowning men
their pelts gleaming in the reflection of flames off the water
you could swallow pearls
that were once orbits in the center of your head
and find me down here
rusting in a bed of seaweed
under the bones of great iron ships
you should fear death by water
as I am a drowning sort
wearing a crown of little fish
and a cloak of octopus tentacles
with arms like nets
set to drag you down to me
you told me my kiss is like gasping for air
and I taste of salt water
well I would rather commit to something
than live a life dry
abandoned on some beach
as the ghosts wade out
to find my blood in the tide
I would prefer to drown completely
and make my home beneath the waves
in these caverns of dark and rotting wood
caught in the songs of passing whales
than to perform this drowning in increments
which you seem to cherish o' so very much

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