for this empty room
where I have come and made my home
I remember thinking it looked comfortable
with these walls painted in blood and chocolate and late summer fruits
but I can't remember if I thought I wanted to spend my life here
Justice is useless, unneeded and impotent
but I have it nonetheless
retribution was in my teeth when I kissed you
You with an acidic mouth
a twisting disposition sure to twist away from me
totality swaying your head for me
Swaying, snake-like rhythm
our home in words
your page is mine and you know how to hurt me
The sound is closer now
the droning is filling up my head
I am kissing with all my teeth
and screaming with all my resurrection intact
I am the red queen
naked in your bed
a kingdom of crumpled sheets
at your feet
and my hair taking over the pillows
You stood in the corner
gently mouthing
'I made a mistake'
The mistake was made before you and I came here
and I have guarded it with all my armies
all my damned men still mine in God's eyes
I am a resurrection just for you
You called me Lady Returner
couldn't burn me out of the room
even when you turned your back
and hated me with all your heart
I can not see you
I never could
and the anger in me flew out
with great black wings
and shouted at the men below
until they clutched their heads
and crumpled to the ground
And what am I now but the vessel
the holy order of emptiness
marching into an angry dawn
with your name upon my lips
my feet pointed to oblivion
and my mind bent beyond the ever-loving tongue of God

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