my evil-throated man
the drumming of your fingers on my thighs
the beat of your breath in my ear
all madness
I have taken your unwillingness up in my mouth
rolled it over my tongue
swished it between my teeth
and spat it out again
you taste of blueberries and ash
remind me of my homeland
where the trees bent at my passing
the grass forming knots as I would go
you called me ice maiden
mad with the cold
you called me
the eternal virgin
and sent me on to arid pastures
you looped my hair over your fist
and held me there
mad eyes rolling, mad eyes
you stood on my hands
and tried to reach God
and I am throat
all calling and want
voice straining for Heaven
past your tilting mind
riding your last thought
to stars just above your head
body now my own
unfettered by your slipping grip
your bones under my heals
your neck at an impossible angle
you forever quiet
and me
with Sun in my mouth
rolling on eternal hills
in the Grace of the Ever Shining All

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