He says
"Come home"
Winter calls me Snow
and tells me to forget the Summer
He knows I have been collecting up my warm blood
into dazzling coloured glass bottles
and hanging them in the window
He takes my precious bottles of blood
and kisses them
until ice crystals like tiny ballerinas
dance against the glass
in a sea of red
The Winter calls me Snow
and I jump sending tiny droplets into air
He catches my hair in His fingers
and smiles
He leaves trails of ice
down my cheeks
with His trembling hands
kissing me
until I can see my warm breath vaporizing
into a cloud from my mouth
lingering on His lips
the Summer tortured me with
promises of sand and hot skinned lovers
the flies came to drink my sweat
the ocean boiled under the gaze of an indifferent Sun
and Summer stripped my clothing away
until my flesh fried
in the Sun-baked fields
the Summer carried on his long affair with that indifferent Sun
and hid the Moon
She wept softly dwarfed by the dazzling gaudy Sun
with Summer laughing his sticky laugh
turning my nights damp
and all too short
twisting under the sheets
slaking thirst in need of relief
Winter cried
"come home!
come home now!"
and opened His pale arms to me
He cradled the Moon to His eyes
gave Her a place back in the sky
He stretched the nights long
to cover me in His blanket of soft snows
whispering my dreams white
as He sang me to sleep
Winter called me Snow
queen to His white kingdom
with a crown of ice
and a crystaled heart
in His long nights
stretched at His bed
folded in His arms
bent to His Kiss
and lost to His blue blue eyes
I dreamed of the Fall that kept us apart
and the Spring that would only serve to part us again