Tonight I am comfortable
everything is warm
the skin only becomes softer with the touch
a sigh contently escaping lips
with clever words
clever fingers
a female energy filling up the room
not unexpected but still surprising
sleep a memory
and years gone since the last time the floor was home
I have spent lifetimes
dancing alone night after night
I was on display for you and him and her
and all took notice
calling me the witch
witchy heart
too much to bear
too quick to catch
too neurotic to understand
but I understood
found your secrets years later
and pinned them to my wall
to be sure I remembered
that I knew
what happened
and what became
and how clearly they saw me
the moment has passed
I am somewhere else now
but the waves are still here
still slamming against foreign shores
and a witchy heart burns in the dark
glowing beyond the horizon
with the sensation of your touch
the glitter
and the promise
I am off to better lands
witchy wiles guiding me
and the light caught in your heavy-lidded eyes
urging me on
in comfort I have found the rest I desperately needed
asking you to listen
for the calling of your name through the night
the sunlight searing our eyes
I have found you both in my shadow
grinning at the stars
with kisses frozen on your lips
and smiles drawn out in spit