she reached down
and exacted a vicious poetry
syllables rang true only on her tongue
her hand tightening
as I tore through the moment
tore with teeth and lips
nothing trembled so much as vibrated
a million heartbeats every minute
every stuttering breath
her eyes black pools
dead vortexes now fixated on my skin
pin-points of stars caught up in a futile field
eyelashes dipping into unseen seas
between small bones and lovers
her teeth ensnared my name
whispered in high-toned bells over silent sheets
she tricked my language with feverish fingers
until I revealed the last point of expectation and exertion
in the halting movements of stellar bodies
in between her words in dead languages
with the linear sweat between one world and the next
a seam opened in the void
and with her hand still on my mouth
I slipped my fingers in
and touched the shining face
of an exquisitely vengeful god