Thursday, June 12, 2014


the days rupture their guts all over me
I smear my brains down the wall
big wet chunks sticking to the floor boards
this place is red like the inside of my liver
and there is neurosis growing like ground cover
up the walls
and past the rusty stains
they tried to paint it a cheery yellow
but it molted and turned to brass
peeling and cracking like fungal nails
an oozing sickness
full of puss and infection
seeping into the rotting carpet
living like gangrenous meat
on the edge of extiniction
the smell hits me first
rotting and bloated
flies spill forth like waves
tumble out of my mouth
writhe out of the holes
making homes in pools of flesh
raising their carnivorous families
to flood the world with their kin
the whole place splits
like a swelling wound
a boil, a carbuncle, a festering malignant sludge
where all humanity takes its vacations
the white crust around the lips
tells me where to hit first
seeping into the scenery
infecting the gentry
erupting past the pretty little ideas
in their pretty little dresses
turning everything that rotting green
streaked with blood
and spewed forth in chasms of vomit
on the edge of black, roiling oceans
Decay exudes her decree over the world
and flesh peels away
we are the virus of the Earth
a gutter in outer space
and I come to infest all I touch
Queen of Filth
to the seeping hordes
of plague dogs
roaming the countryside
decaying teeth is my smile
bile is my perfume
lie down with me in the rivers of blight
and we will infect the steaming mess of humanity
with our perfect pestilent syndrome in the sickening sky

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