Saturday, April 30, 2016

Sin Will Find You Out

The hearts of children
Are already black
Cruelty sticks on their tongues
Pushes little girls down
Into mud puddles
Bloodies lips
And blackens eyes
Holds heads under dirty water
We are born without innocence 
Just waiting for that moment
Of perfect violence 
That existence we covet in death
Twisted grins
And shining eyes
We plot the demise of each other
 with glee
Killers each of us
In our own special way
In blind rage we are perfection
The perfect form
The true face
The Truth
We buckle under the weight of goodness
Realize just how awful
It really is
We keep predators as pets
We keep our heads turned
We devour as only the truly violent can
We love as only darkness allows us
We are so close
We burn our hands
And smile
Sin will find you out
But There was Never a God
It was always