Tuesday, October 21, 2014

yeux vers

"I just don't feel right,
unless I see my lover every night"

garnet lipped dips
beyond the hem of the skirt
the flirt
sliding up against you
green eyes fading into the dark
where is her spark?

she screams in the deepness
pants at the edge of the bed
she's so wrong
and will never be right

but your fingers sink into her skin
your tongue finding her mouth so sweet
and the heat
from her
and turns
ecstasy traveling up your limbs

and she fights
against you
for you
to be near you

slips into the night
reeling on the edge of the dance floor
her eyes ever searching for you
trying to find you in the smoke
green eyes following you down the stairs
and to the back room

you hate her
pretty but wrong
wrong shape
wrong thoughts
wrong balance
wrong dreams
wrong place
wrong time

she comes back
sweet green eyes and stolen kiss
anger and hurt
simmering just underneath them
every night you can feel her thinking about you
loving you
crying for you
under the weight of a thousand bad dreams

and you won't come
you'll feel right
in flight
and find that better lay
a better day
and you'll feel just right

she's the burden you long to leave
and never can
green eyes heave
and bury themselves without you ever noticing

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Suicide Love Note

Who would want me?
I don't even want me.
I'm just waving from the pond
ducking under the water
with stones in my pockets
little drips of cyanide
leaving acid punches
to the inside of my cheeks
deep in love
with the hole
in the backyard
I dug it last year
keep the dog far hence
lest he dig it up again
I planted bone trees
in the bone yards
bleached by the sun
worn by the weather
I'm leaking love
spitting out charm
choking on need
trying to fuck my way
to forgiveness
and failing
and flailing
and tumbling
down the steps
of your indifference
fucking those pretty whores
in their pretty faces
I don't wanna
know anything anymore
why do I have to put up
with your guilt?
I did nothing
to deserve it
and I lack it entirely
I've got a note for you
I wrote it on my flesh
in the form of black eyes
and fucked up
reasonable decisions
Love is the lie they tell
to you
when they want
your legs to open up
and your cunt to spill out
I fucked the world
looking for you
and you would rather
kill your heart
than let me know you
I found the reason to die
and it was in your eyes
the whole fucking time